Saturday, March 23, 2013

Earth hour 23 March 2013

Our bear is lost in the city. 
He can't find his way home. 
The city bright lights are blinding.

Suddenly, one light after another is turned off.
All of a sudden the sky becomes visible.

Bear-ly is able to see the stars and sees one he recognizes, 
the North star.
Once again our polar bear is able to carry on his journey home. 

Turning off the lights was helpful! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

-5.876°, 39.358° Zanzibar, Tanzania

From Matemwe Zanzibar with Love! by Erik Brattström

Mr. Bear-ly's journey on the east coast of Africa continues and it
looks like he's seeing first hand what land might look like under the sea...

The island of Zanzibar off the east coast of Tanzania,  
experience erratic weather extremes, due to the climate change,
such as flood and drought which impacts negatively on the island's economy as well as ecosystem.
Efforts are being made to focus on necessary adaptation solutions to adjust to future impacts.

Our polar bear continues to explore Matemwe.

Watch those paws!


Cockle shell snack?

A beach bear!

-3.221°, 40.116° Malindi, Kenya

"In arms" by Rael

Malindi, situated on the coast of Kenya, is a popular tourist destination.
Efforts are made to combat the social impacts of climate change by promoting sustainable tourism and preserving the mangrove trees (trees and shrubs that can grow in salinated water) to help with climate change mitigation.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

-25.965°, 32.579° Maputo, Mocambique

"Arrested Development" by Erik Brattström

Our very first bear-ly sighting from the continent of Afrika! 
How fitting that the bear should visit the coastal city of Maputo, capital of Mocambique, as it is one of the coastal cities with high risk of flooding and combats daily to prevent the erosion of its coastline due to the present effects of climate change.