Saturday, May 10, 2014

43.709°,13.219° Senigallia 03/05/2014 [ALLUVIONE]

Helplessly looking over disaster by Lina

Exactly one week ago big parts of our small town was hit by what on the headlines described as "the water bomb”. After a night of heavy rain, especially in the hinterland, the river broke out of its furrow. With enormous power and speed, big quantities of water rushed heading to the sea. In just a few hours the water rose to fearsome levels (1,3-2,8m). On our street we stood amazed on the sidewalk watching our street turn into a creek, and just 5 minutes later the sidewalk itself became overflooded and we started to realise that it wouldn’t stop there… But never could we have imagined that it wouldn’t stop until cars were almost completely covered by the water, apartments flooded and subterranean garages filled.

Please watch this video:


Something like this has never been seen here before. The effects of the unpredictable(?) weather changes becomes reality for more people every day. Today many families here, my neighbors and friends, have lost all their belongings. Homes and cars are ruined. Joined forces are still struggling with the hard work of cleaning up the mess.
(But by the beginning of tourist season I’m sure you will find Senigallia as beautiful as ever!!!)

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